Udanchhoo revolves around the lead protagonists Vikram (Rajneesh Duggal), Guru G (Prem Chopra), and Shanti (Saisha Sehgal). G...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Udanchhoo revolves around the lead protagonists Vikram (Rajneesh Duggal), Guru G (Prem Chopra), and Shanti (Saisha Sehgal). Guru G, under the garb of a pious spiritual guru, runs black money operations through his ‘ashram’ with help of his trusted devotees Billu (Ashutosh Rana) and Julia (Bruna Abdullah). Guru G’s operations are running smoothly till Vikram shows up at his doorstep offering help to streamline his money laundering process and a man named Dhanraj Singhania becomes one of his devotees. The film then entangles all the characters together in a huge con mystery which results in a funny and dramatic climax.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Udanchhoo revolves around the lead protagonists Vikram (Rajneesh Duggal), Guru G (Prem Chopra), and Shanti (Saisha Sehgal). G...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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