Suryodip, a prince of Dhannakuria, faced tragic losses with the deaths of his parents. After education in Bikanir, he married...
Audio Available in: Bengali
Suryodip, a prince of Dhannakuria, faced tragic losses with the deaths of his parents. After education in Bikanir, he married Aiswarjo but met a tragic end from a snake bite, leaving his wife to become a Sati. Years later, his son Shiladip's family faced challenges involving a stolen Gajomukta stone and a dark plot by Chandrachur, resulting in a climactic resolution that brought happiness to Shiladip's family.
Audio Available in: Bengali
Suryodip, a prince of Dhannakuria, faced tragic losses with the deaths of his parents. After education in Bikanir, he married...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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