Gamanam' presents an anthology of four compelling stories where the lives of several people hang in the balance as they inter...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Gamanam' presents an anthology of four compelling stories where the lives of several people hang in the balance as they intertwine with each other. Innocence, regret, ambition and sacrifice, all of it being catapulted into unforeseen situations. An aspiring cricketer is expected to get a job. Kamala, a deaf mother, dreams of implanting a hearing aid. Two orphaned kids living their lives on the street, get lured towards the glittery life. The lives of these individuals across the city change just as the city is reeling under floods. Will they all make it safely to the other side?
Audio Available in: Hindi
Gamanam' presents an anthology of four compelling stories where the lives of several people hang in the balance as they inter...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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