The story explores the life of a lower middle-class joint family and the conflicts that threaten to break them apart. An idea...
Audio Available in: Hindi
The story explores the life of a lower middle-class joint family and the conflicts that threaten to break them apart. An idealistic man, Navendu Gupta (Balraj Sahni) toils hard to support his family comprising of his wife and two kids, his step mother, and his two stepbrothers, Viju (Prem Chopra) and Satyen (Rajesh Khanna). Navendu borrows money to pay for Viju's education, who returns with an engineering degree from England. Navendru hopes that Viju will now share the financial burden, but Viju's high maintenance wife causes havoc in the peaceful house and insists on living separately. Their troubles mount when the money-lender demands his due. Meanwhile, Satyen who had staunchly opposed his uncompromising sister-in-law, falls in love with her sister. Will this family be able to stay together through this storm brought upon them?
Audio Available in: Hindi
The story explores the life of a lower middle-class joint family and the conflicts that threaten to break them apart. An idea...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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