Karar the Deal showcases the lives of two women intertwined by their love for a man who is full of lies and greed. Nikita (Ma...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Karar the Deal showcases the lives of two women intertwined by their love for a man who is full of lies and greed. Nikita (Mahek Chahal), the granddaughter of a rich and old man, is asthmatic and resides in South Africa. Her family includes her grandfather and their caretaker and nurse Annie (Jyoti Rana). Their life changes dramatically with the arrival of Dr. Aryan (Tarun Aurora). Aryan becomes a family doctor for them who falls for Annie while treating Nikita. However, when the grandfather asks him to marry Nikita, he agrees and plots to wipe out the family and share the family wealth with Annie. What happens when Nikita realises the truth?
Audio Available in: Hindi
Karar the Deal showcases the lives of two women intertwined by their love for a man who is full of lies and greed. Nikita (Ma...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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