Chhutanki is a 3D live-animation feature film. Takla Baba (live) is a clever magician who heads the forces of evil along with...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Chhutanki is a 3D live-animation feature film. Takla Baba (live) is a clever magician who heads the forces of evil along with his sidekick, Surili (live). Hand-in-glove with them are the animated goons, Saand, Crocodile and the Dragons. Chhutanki (animated) has to recapture his childhood before Takla Baba uses it to create a deadly clone force. Trained and brought up by his guru Akhand Dev, Chhuttanki has to foil Takla Baba’s devilish plam. Helped by Suraj (live) and Chanda (live), this is a fight to the finish between good and evil.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Chhutanki is a 3D live-animation feature film. Takla Baba (live) is a clever magician who heads the forces of evil along with...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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