Azad Desh Ka Andha Kanoon revolves around Chiranjeevi, a police officer who is very rash and is willing to arrest his own fam...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Azad Desh Ka Andha Kanoon revolves around Chiranjeevi, a police officer who is very rash and is willing to arrest his own family for the sake of the law. Harish, his brother, is caught in a blue film gang, and Sridevi becomes a victim of this gang.Watch how Chiranjeevi protects her and fights with the evil powers.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Azad Desh Ka Andha Kanoon revolves around Chiranjeevi, a police officer who is very rash and is willing to arrest his own fam...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Azad Desh Ka Andha Kanoon